Might And Magic 6 Free Download

Posted on  by admin

In these heady days of 3D acceleration and graphical trickery, Might and Magic arrives to remind us how ugly games used to be. Sparse backgrounds and environments and badly animated sprites inhabit the dated and unimaginative world of Might and Magic VI. Rubbish, then, obviously. Well not quite - not if forced to spend a reasonable amount of time with it.

You start the game with a group of four adventurers who can be given their own character classes at random, or if you want to be really anal about it you can spend hours deciding what their attributes are and what colour pointy hat you think they should wear etc. This sort of behaviour is to be frowned upon, of course, and all sensible types will accept the default party allotted to them (and I can vouch that it makes very little difference whether you customise your party or not).

Gameplay consists of talking to people who give you quests, which you then complete in return for large wads of cash which in turn can be spent on buying new weapons and spells and stuff. If this sounds familiar, it's probably because this type of thing is familiar. Might and Magic VI offers nothing you won't find in a standard RPG, but at the same time, if you're willing to persevere with it (and you're prepared to live with the dodgy graphics), it will keep you busy for a reasonable period of time.

Overall rating: 7